Hey hippies! Dreaming is not enough! If a prisoner dreams about escaping, is he free?
Anarchy against tyranny and despotism of fear and distrust!
Free your mind! Love and peace!
posted *Itkupilli* at 5/19/2007 10:10:00 AM
Labels Digitaalinen kollaasi, Digital collages, Illustration friday, Musiikki/music/video, Omakuva/Self-portrait
Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.Carl Jung
Love this attitude, FuCk ThE wOrLD!
yes, dreaming is not enough. Want to start an online blogger revolution...we can start a new blog for global peace revolution. Fuck the rulers of the world.. they are the reason the world is so fucked. If we had ordinary people making the decisions... the world might be a different place. It is an idea...maybe someone else has begun one, I don't know. It seems the peace movement of the 60's is dead here in America. I joined the protests before the US bombing of Iraq...the protest did not have the kind of energy of the 60's though and it did not make too many waves here in America. The massive protests all over the world, during that time, though, created major waves. Maybe America needs some help from other people from other countries who have the courage to stand-up for peace and demonstrate with boldness...to help us stand up to the huge, out-of-control monster here. This monster has many heads and goes way beyond one idiot cowboy and his followers and puppeteers. It is the WHOLE structure of the US that makes it nearly impossible for US citizens to make change...mostly because we are dependent upon the structure in order to survive. Any kind of revolution has to be global...we cannot make change here and elsewhere without help from other countries.
Great idea that global peace revolution blog...Children of the revolution....We must wake up. It really doesn’t make much sense to protect just own home or country. The whole planet is our home.
Don’t you think that this lonely cowboy should need much love and blessing? If we could change our thoughts about him, it would help the whole world. I don’t mean by loving the sin, but the sinner. I mean if the really believe in power of love. If our thoughts can change the world, he would be a good one to start. Love and peace! And fuck the nations!
Raju kuva. Tuli mieleen oma nuoruus. Äidin vanhoja Jameksia lainasin ja isän weekendejä. Sitten mentiin lahkeet lepattaen ja pelättiin punkkareita. Ihastuttava kuva - merkitty, merkit...
Voi ei, pelkäsit sä punkkareita! Ja weekendit tosiaan. Ai niin kun sä oot niin nuori...:)
by the way, I have a leather jacket very similar to theone in your artwork.
I tell you and all the other ladies, that our president is a woman. She was unmarried single parent when she started as a president. The majority of our government is women. This is so fucking great country to live. We have free education and health care system for children, free eating and transportation in schools. It’s everyone’s privilege and still the highest class of the world. So it’s easy for me to declare…What could we do, to help the whole world live as well?
some problems are beyond sending thoughts of love, Kirsi. What Mr. Nincompoop Cowboy has done to millions of people is beyond what any amount of love, directed to him, can ever un-do. I'm sure he has lots of love coming from the multi-millionaire, corporate CEO's of America, anyway. They love him for sure! I will never send thoughts of love to that man. He and his puppeteers have sent evil ripples throughout the world and they all deserve to be in jail for the rest of their loves -- or hanged...like Saddam. I am sorry, Kirsi. I really feel that way.
Yes, Fuck the nations and fuck the people who have killed many innocent people and have destroyed their lives forever!
I send love to you, Kirsi. You are a beautiful person.
And I want to live where you live, Kirsi. A woman president and government and healthcare for all sounds great to me!
Well now we have a chance to see how powerful love can be...let's say I can do it, I'll love and bless your president so much that he don't know himself anymore..hmm...just wait and see....
okay, Kirsi, I'll wait and see, but you better hurry, because soon he'll be voted out of office for sure! by the many people who think he's an idiot.
ok, I'm sorry, I will try to love him...
okay, bye kirsi, for today...don't want to pester you too much.
I love the image of course; nor do I mind a bit of anarchy from time to time.
Having said that, the discussion here, on the other hand, is bit distressing for me. Peace in the world for everyone is a wonderful dream. The reality is that there's no such thing, it doesn't exist, has never existed.
More distressing is the lowering of what might otherwise be a good adversarial debate with name calling. If the rest of the world thinks for one minute that the American Press - famous for it's socialist/liberal bias, especially in it's diseased obsession with martial culture - speaks for the majority of Peace Loving and Peace Dreaming citizens in the USA, a very big mistake is being made. But, I'm not here to chastise, to reform nor to indocrinate. My single charge is that you please inform yourself about the last 100 years of World History before resorting to using inapporiate and ineffective sound-bites by a Press Corps that would be delighted to see the current War on Terrorism fail.
Toward that effort, I've added a link in my own blogroll to Verifrank (http://verifrank.com) - an intelligent blog that connects some of the dots as ragards lessons learned since WW I. An example you ask? Did you know that insurgents and partisan groups in Post-War Germany continued fighting after the unconditional surrender in 1945 claiming over 4,000 lives from that time until the early 1950's?
I beg forgiveness for pressing this polical speech of my own here, but I couldn't remain silent any longer. I well understand the difference between freedom and oppression and believe me when I tell that the majority of Americans stand for freedom. We believe in it so strongly that we fight and die for it, not just for ourselves, but for the whole world. I know that America is not appreciated nor very popular around the world at this particular time in history. In spite of that, we continue to strive to live free and continue to offer that world view to everyone - allies and enemies alike...I can live with that.
Oops! Begging forgiveness again. The link is:
ouch, Mick!
I guess you TOLD me! hahaha
it's okay, I still LOVE you! but not your opinion, my friend! That's the beauty of this country...free speech and all. And I certainly will express it whenever I want, as long as Kirsi is okay with that.
And I still think he's an nincompoop ass for president!
I have to agree with Ana Banana...I cannot believe that this so-called president of ours has not somehow been booted out of office. He is failing so badly, I don't know how the next president is going to pick up all of the pieces he is letting fall everywhere? I have {real-life} friends from Czheckoslovakia, Australia, England and Canada who tell me all of which you spoke about Kirsi, except for the woman president. Now if America is supposedly the "super power" of thw world, why do we have so many without healthcare, poor and failing school districts, I could go on and on and on and on...America needs to wake up already!!
Ana, Kelly and Mick. I love you all and here is surely a total freedom of speech, I don’t mind. And believe me I’ve had my time, when I would have very anxiously taken a part of political debate. I’ve just experienced something, what I could say is kind of wakening. That this world we see is just our own opinion. We can easily change opinion, well not always so easily, some learning is more difficult to reject, but anyway if we succeed to change the opinion then, what we see changes as well…I could put here hundreds of quotes and or names of people who has discovered this same thing, but here is now just two, but this has been the theme of my latest posts.
We cannot change anything until we accept it. Condemnation does not liberate, it oppresses.
Carl Jung
A human being is a part of the whole, called by us "Universe," a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. Nobody is able to achieve this completely, but the striving for such achievement is in itself a part of the liberation and a foundation for inner security.
Albert Einstein
very true Itkupilli...
infact just dreaming is not enough.......
cosmic clown, I know you know what I mean...thanks! :)
Punkkarit olivat tosiaan niin pelottavan näköisiä. Voin paljastaa, että enää en pelkää. En myöskään käytä enää isäni weekendejä ;-)
Punk jäi minulle vieraaksi. Taisin olla enemmän silloisen hevin ja progressiivisen rokin ystävä.
Kuvassa on kuitenkin punknuoren raivokkuutta.
Elegia ja Jussi, mulle punk oli aivan mullistava juttu, en tosin koskaan ollut mikään tosi punkkari, ja progressiisen rockin jälkeen mun juttuni oli lähinnä new wave, mutta jotain siitä ajasta on jäljellä vieläkin, ja musta punkkarit on ihanan näkösiä. Niittivöitä ja muita sellaisia käytän mielelläni vieläkin. :)
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